One powerful way of achieving this is to “document your roots and let your children know about it.” Research says that children who have an idea about their family’s past have higher levels of self-esteem, better internal locus of control, stronger family functioning, lower anxiety, fewer behavioural problems, and better resiliency. To achieve this its useful to " Tell them stories" and the medium can be following-
1.History- How , when, and where you were born? Which city, which events in history surrounded? Your marriage , knowing each other , and your childbearing phase. All these gives them sense that can persevere as well.
2. Happy times- Discuss in front of them what makes you happy and your pleasant memories around holidays, festivals, and family gatherings. Knowing about your goals, your strivings, and happy relationships adds to their emotional wellbeing.
3. Tough times – Talk to them about the difficult and troubled times. Let them your pain, your disappointments , and your struggles which is healthy for them to develop resilience.
Make it fun, let them ask questions , guide them and don’t direct them.